This project is aimed at working in depth on diet, nutrient deficiencies and health.

Goal: solving gastrointestinal and intestinal problems, reducing inflammation and autoimmune processes in the body. Format: only personal, direct supervision by a nutritionist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, personal trainer and psychologist, Gestalt therapist for 3 months.

The program is designed for 3 months, every 10 days the participant will
Scheduled personal video-session with a physician nutritionist. There is an elaborate training system and
Detailed daily menu. You will have a nutritionist mentor
A nutritionist supervisor, a clinical psychologist and a personal trainer.

Gastrointestinal recovery is worked through separately with each
Safe detox.



  • Familiarity and Introduction
  • Assessing body and health parameters. Defining your goal
  • Assessment of eating habits
  • How to motivate yourself to get results
  • Preparing your home and fridge and learning how to plan your diet
  • 4 foods you definitely need to eliminate. The first food assignment
    Result: You will get acquainted with the rules, the features of the course. Learn about the lesson release schedule and how to complete the assignments on the platform. According to the results of introductory testing, the experts and you will understand what skills you need to work on the program, what to emphasize. You will prepare your home and your refrigerator for work.

Module 1: Basic Nutrition Tools

  • Basic Weight Loss Tools
  • Book 100 recipes to replace fast food and desserts
  • Tests to help detect metabolic abnormalities
  • Working with Dietary Guidelines. An easy way to calculate the BZU
  • Shaping your diet. Looking for a replacement for sugar, flour and fast food
  • Diet for 7 days (balanced diet phase)
    Result: Gain an understanding of the main components of food: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Calculate your GI. Stop counting calories. Learn the mechanism of influence of each food component on your metabolism. You will combine the products correctly. Restore the schedule of the day and meals. Restore water-electrolyte balance. You will start to enjoy the process of losing weight and lose the first kilogram of excess fatty tissue.

Module 2: Protein and Protein Sources

  • Protein in food
  • Top 100 foods and meals rich in protein
  • Functions of Protein in the Body
  • A cheat sheet on protein
  • Seven days’ ration (simple carbohydrates excluded)
    Result: You will begin to understand protein and amino acid sources. Learn what kind of protein is best digested. Animal and plant sources of protein are friendly to weight loss. Calculate your individual protein intake.

Module 3. Fats and Omega 3/ 6/ 9

  • Fats in food
  • The function of fats
  • Myths about fats and the fat gene
  • A cheat sheet on fats
  • Seven Days Diet (Balance)
    Result: Learn about the types and functions of fats. Why a balance of fatty acids – Omega 3/ 6/ 9 – is so important. Calculate your own fat consumption. Dispel all the myths about fats and cholesterol. Get cheat sheets on how to choose healthy fats.

Module 4. Carbohydrates. Know your enemy!

  • Carbohydrates in food.
  • A cheat sheet: the insulin index of foods
  • HALT Technique. Overcoming the breakdown
  • The “sweet” addiction of the brain
  • SAHAR film
  • Diet for 7 days (carbohydrate reduction phase)
    Result: You’ll begin to understand why carbohydrates are to blame for overweight gain, premature aging and the development of diabetes. Get a cheat sheet for choosing foods based on the right indices. Remember the enemy in the face! Learn how sugar affects our brains. Get a detailed 7-day diet with reduced carbohydrates.

Module 5. Gastrointestinal Restoration

  • Digestion 5+ (stomach, gallbladder, pancreas)
  • Digestion 5+ (intestines and microbiota)
  • Safe Detox. Stages of detoxification
  • Intestines and brain
  • Nutraceuticals and GI medications
  • Diet for 7 days – detox and microbiota recovery phase
    Result: You will begin to understand the mechanics of digestion. You will know what to do when you have a gastrointestinal (GI) disturbance. Emphasis on Gut Microbiota. Nutritionist Protocol. Work through the topic of detoxification of the body and perform a safe, expert-supervised DETOX. Identify GI problems and restore their function.

Module 6. Psychology of Eating Behavior

  • Getting to know the project psychologist
  • “How the nervous system affects weight loss. Learning to control emotions.
  • Exercise #1. “Increasing emotions.”
  • Diet for 7 days (exclusion of simple carbohydrates)
    Result: You’ll work through the psychology of eating behavior. Understand how systems and organs work together. Form a correct eating behavior. You will stop bursting with food. Start to overcome temptation and resist the temptation of relatives and colleagues to eat something. Conscious Eating. Emotional intelligence about food. Increased self-esteem.

Module 7. Emotional intelligence in food

  • Conscious Eating. Emotional intelligence in food.
  • Exercise #2. Expression of emotion.
  • What to do when you want to eat, or there was a breakdown?
  • Techniques for overcoming a breakdown
  • Options for a day off. Choose the right one
  • Diet for 7 days (the introduction stage of the day off)
    Result: You will work through the psychology of eating behavior. Conscious Eating. Emotional intelligence about food. Increased self-esteem.

Module 8. Physical activity (fat burning mode)

  • Calculation of the heart rate zone. Fat burning aids
  • Motivation and enjoyment of activity
  • Working out at the workplace
  • Weekly workout schedule
  • Diet for 7 days (low-carbohydrate phase)
    Result: You will create an activity schedule. Choose the right type of exercise to burn fat mass and have fun. Calculate the heart rate zone of fat burning. Tools for rehabilitation and recovery of the joint apparatus.

Module 9. Physical activity (muscle strengthening and breathing practices)

  • Blocks of exercises for back and arms
  • Blocks of leg and abs exercises
  • Breathing exercises
  • Diet for 7 days (consolidation stage)
    Result: You will develop a training schedule aimed at elimination of localized fat deposits. Learn how to redirect the metabolism from the accumulation of fat to the glycogen storage in the muscles. Work out individual muscle groups. Introduce elements of breathing exercises, Pilates and kinesiotherapy.

Module 10. Nutriciology and Superfoods

  • Nutritional Deficiency Testing.
  • Nutraceuticals that affect metabolism and weight loss
  • Basket of superfoods and flour substitutes
  • How to make use of supplements with maximum effect for yourself?
  • Diet for 7 days
    Result: Gain knowledge of the main vitamins / trace elements that affect metabolism and weight loss: effects on the body, features of intake, chemical form with maximum bioavailability, link to examples. Get tested and examined for vitamin and trace element deficiencies. Compensate the detected deficiencies under the supervision of an expert.

Module 11. Adapting to a low-carbohydrate diet

  • Constructing a diet and looking for substitute foods
  • Low-carb alternatives to favorite foods and the right ingredients
  • Recipes for cooking meat well
  • Recipes for cooking fish and seafood
  • Top 5 sauces for the table. Street Food.
  • Seven Days Diet.
    Result: You’ll learn how to shape your own menu by reducing carbs in your diet. Substitute items and look for alternatives. Get video recipes and instructions for proper meal preparation.

Module 12. PLATO. Overcoming Weight Loss Stoppage

  • Fixing the mistakes
  • The principle of cheating and cheat meal systems
  • Top 5 nutraceuticals for metabolism
  • Holiday table
  • Seven days of cheating.
    Result: Understand why PLATO happens. Correct the mistakes that caused your weight loss to stop. Tools for overcoming PLATO. Top 5 nutraceuticals to work with the metabolism. Work out in practice a system of cheats (loads).

Graduation assignment! Repetition of the main one.

  • Repeating the main weight loss tools
  • Eating Skills Assessment
  • Congratulations, you are now a PROFI. Your final assignment: Diet for 7 days with calculation of F.B.C.
  • Interview about the program. Share your results and experiences
    Result: you will be a true PROFI. You will need to pass on your experience, talk about your results and be tested. Reinforce the skills that allowed you to lose weight. Get the tools to prevent weight regain (yo-yo effect). From the experts you will receive instructions on eating, regimen, nutraceuticals protocol for a year, with the aim of retaining the result.

What you get:
How to eat right, take your vitamins, and live life without a breakdown
Understand your body and what it needs to be healthy
Reduce weight, inflammation in the body, get away from breakdowns and deficiencies
A step-by-step method of forming an anti-inflammatory menu
Activity to get high and results
A safe solution to illnesses
Low risk of falling off, straying from recommendations

Main result:
In-depth workout of diet, nutrient deficiencies, health and psychology. Gastrointestinal and intestinal problems solved, inflammation and autoimmune processes in the body reduced.